Why am I passionate about this?

I am a journalist who has written books on American history for the general reader but not an academic historian or specialist, though I have the utmost respect for both. I like to think I have an independent mind and that I look for ideas that challenge conventional wisdom but are rooted in good sense and critical intelligence. The books I have recommended here reflect this temperament and, I believe, an innate sense of the comic and absurd. These are desperately needed at a time when people take themselves much too seriously—as in a presidential election year. 

I wrote...

This Fierce People: The Untold Story of America's Revolutionary War in the South

By Alan Pell Crawford,

Book cover of This Fierce People: The Untold Story of America's Revolutionary War in the South

What is my book about?

My book tells the story of how American independence was achieved in the Revolutionary War—during the three-plus years after the…

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The books I picked & why

Book cover of Mencken’s Last Campaign: H.L. Mencken on the 1948 Election

Alan Pell Crawford Why did I love this book?

I love this book—and almost anything Mencken wrote—because he brings his unsparing but good-natured critical intelligence to bear on the politics of his day and on the cultural controversies of the time. Readers will realize if they don’t already, that the absurdities of the present campaign are nothing new, despite what we are told. Mencken’s independence spirit is also refreshing given the tiresome orthodoxies of political pundits today.

Mencken’s bracing intellect and his vivid, bouncy prose are a tonic at any time. He makes today’s journalists seem weak, unreflective, and shallow. 

By Joseph L. Goulden,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Mencken’s Last Campaign as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Peerless political commentary on Dewey, Truman, Wallace and their overwrought supporters. On politicians who pander: "If there had been any formidable body of cannibals in the country he would have promised to provide them with free missionaries fattened at the taxpayer's expense."

Book cover of George Washington's Expense Account

Alan Pell Crawford Why did I love this book?

I recommend this book because it uses Washington’s own expense accounts submitted to Congress—$400,000 worth of reimbursements he expects—to cast a comic light on the sober and solemn business of war. We tend to take figures like Washington so seriously that we do not see the human—and humorous—side of their lives and works. Kitman did a superb job of showing the lighter side of commanding the Continental Army without diminishing Washington’s greatness.

I love this book because it is consistently amusing when so many books on George Washington are so serious in tone. Kitman manages to humanize Washington, which too few authors do, and in the process, helps the reader keep his or her perspective on the momentous events of the American past. Also, the book is just a lot of fun. We take ourselves much too seriously these days, especially in a presidential campaign year.

By George Washington, Marvin Kitman,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked George Washington's Expense Account as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

In George Washington's Expense Account -- the best-selling expense account in history -- Kitman shows how Washington brilliantly turned his noble gesture of refusing payment for his services as commander in chief of the Continental Army into an opportunity to indulge his insatiable lust for fine food and drink, extravagant clothing, and lavish accommodations. In a close analysis of the document that financed our Revolution, Kitman uncovers more scandals than you can shake a Nixon Cabinet member at -- and serves each up with verve and wit.

Book cover of The Innocents Abroad

Alan Pell Crawford Why did I love this book?

I love this book because it might be the quintessential American book. Mark Twain brings an American perspective to his European travels that has, to my mind, never been matched.

His pose—the comic character he creates—is at once naïve and shrewdly intelligent, penetrating in his take on Europe and the Middle East. I love this book, but I also love Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer. With Mark Twain, you can’t go wrong. 

By Mark Twain,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Innocents Abroad as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

A beautiful edition with the formatting and all 234 images from the original first edition published in 1869. The cover is from an Antonio Joli painting of Rome. Use Amazon's Lookinside feature to compare this edition with others. You'll be impressed by the differences. Don't be fooled by other versions that have no illustrations or contain very small print. Reading our edition will make you feel that you are back traveling the Mediterranean with Mark. If you like our book, be sure to leave a review!

Published under the full name The Innocents Abroad, or The New Pilgrims' Progress, this…

Book cover of The Dictionary of Accepted Ideas

Alan Pell Crawford Why did I love this book?

I love this book because Flaubert has meticulously—and with a bracingly acidic intelligence—listed the cliches of his day…meaning what people, without thinking, automatically say about almost any subject, including the stock phrases that must accompany any subject. He exposes superstitions and absurdities that must have driven Flaubert nuts to hear. An American writer, Frank Sullivan, did something similar when he invented “the cliché expert” who would testify before Congress.

I recommend this book because we need to be reminded that our everyday speech and thinking are saturated with thoughtless absurdities. We take so much for granted that it is totally unexamined and ridiculous if it is only pointed out to us, which Flaubert does a masterful job of doing. As the book jacket puts it, “Throughout his life, Flaubert made it a game to eavesdrop for the cliché, the platitude, the borrowed and unquestioned idea with which the ‘right thinking’ swaddle their minds.” 

By Gustave Flaubert, Jacques Barzun (translator),

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Dictionary of Accepted Ideas as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Throughout his life Flaubert made it a game to eavesdrop for the cliche, the platitude, the borrowed and unquestioned idea with which the "right thinking" swaddle their minds. After his death his little treasury of absurdities, of half-truths and social lies, was published as a Dictionnaire des idees recues. Because its devastating humor and irony are often dependent on the phrasing in vernacular French, the Dictionnairewas long considered untranslatable. This notion was taken as a challenge by Jacques Barzun. Determined to find the exact English equivalent for each "accepted idea" Flaubert recorded, he has succeeded in documenting our own inanities.…

Book cover of Historian's Fallacies: Toward a Logic of Historical Thought

Alan Pell Crawford Why did I love this book?

I love this book, although it is not an “easy read” and should not be. Fischer meticulously catalogs the fallacies that even first-rate historians fall prey to in works that are important in our own time.

He names names and exposes weaknesses in their arguments (I wonder if any of his colleagues spoke to him after the book’s publication) and alerts the reader to errors of thinking and argument that plague historical writing and, I’d add, journalistic writing (and speaking) as well. All reporters should have to read this book, and all well-informed citizens would benefit as well. 

By David Hackett Fisher,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Historian's Fallacies as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

"If one laughs when David Hackett Fischer sits down to play, one will stay to cheer. His book must be read three times: the first in anger, the srcond in laughter, the third in respect....The wisdom is expressed with a certin ruthlessness. Scarcly a major historian escapes unscathed. Ten thousand members of the AmericanHistorical Association will rush to the index and breathe a little easier to find their names absent.

Explore my book 😀

This Fierce People: The Untold Story of America's Revolutionary War in the South

By Alan Pell Crawford,

Book cover of This Fierce People: The Untold Story of America's Revolutionary War in the South

What is my book about?

My book tells the story of how American independence was achieved in the Revolutionary War—during the three-plus years after the last major battle in the North, at Monmouth. Americans are routinely taught about the early events in the war—Lexington and Concord, Bunker Hill, Washington crossing the Delaware, Valley Forge—but almost never told about the Southern campaign that resulted in the British surrender at Yorktown.

It was in the Southern campaign, after the war had stalled in the North, that the British win was destroyed. The war was actually won in places most of us have never heard of, under commanders we know almost nothing about. 

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Norvel: An American Hero

By Kenneth F. Conklin,

Book cover of Norvel: An American Hero

Kenneth F. Conklin Author Of Norvel: An American Hero

New book alert!

Why am I passionate about this?

I am deeply passionate about human resilience. From Louis Zamperini's unwavering spirit in the face of war and captivity to Santiago's quiet determination against nature's harsh realities to Michael Jordan's relentless drive to overcome setbacks, these narratives resonate with me on a profound level. I'm particularly drawn to how these stories explore not just physical resilience but emotional and psychological strength as well. They serve as a powerful reminder that true victory lies not in the outcome but in the unwavering spirit we bring to life's struggles. 

Kenneth's book list on human resilience and remarkable achievements

What is my book about?

This book tells the inspiring story of Norvel Lee, an Olympic gold medalist who overcame tremendous adversity. Born in segregated Virginia, Lee faced racial discrimination, limited education, and a speech impediment. Despite these challenges, he became a Tuskegee Airman, educator, and mentor. The book chronicles Lee's journey from the mountains of Virginia to Olympic glory, showcasing his unwavering determination and resilience.

Readers will be captivated by Lee's courageous fight against Jim Crow laws and his groundbreaking civil rights case. This powerful narrative not only highlights Lee's remarkable achievements but also serves as a testament to the human spirit's capacity to…

Norvel: An American Hero

By Kenneth F. Conklin,

What is this book about?

NORVEL: An American Hero tells the incredible story of Norvel Lee, a man whose unwavering determination and courage allowed him to overcome obstacles and achieve greatness. Born in a time of racial discrimination. Norvel faced numerous challenges early in life. However, he refused to be defeated and used his intelligence and athletic abilities to propel himself towards success. As he grew into a young man, Norvel continued to face adversity but his commitment to his community, country, and family never waivered. His unprecedented achievements in business, sports, and military service makes him a true representation of the American dream. This…

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